Gel Cell Lead-Acid (Gel Cell) Battery

Gel Cell Lead-Acid or just Gel Cell batteries require less maintenance than Wet Cell batteries. A gel battery is very similar to a traditional lead-acid battery, but it adds silica to the electrolyte mixture to create a gel like substance. This thickening of the electrolyte medium means that gel batteries can be installed in a variety of positions and don’t emit as many fumes. Since these batteries are sealed, they do not require a special watering system to keep the battery working.  

When charging your gel battery, you’ll want to plan on giving it extra time. Slow charging cycles are common with Gel Cell batteries, but you can’t walk away and leave it charging. Since the electrolyte medium is a gel instead of a liquid, you will need to take the battery off the charger as soon as charging is complete since leaving it on could cause voids with the electrolyte which is irreversible damage. 

One of the biggest complaints with Wet Cell batteries is that they are susceptible to extreme vibration and other impacts. Gel batteries have an advantage in this situation as it can absorb the impact and vibrations, making them great batteries for items such as four wheelers.
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