Lithium-Ion Battery

Lithium-Ion batteries are a newer battery technology when it comes to forklifts. The pros of the lithium-ion battery are that it is relatively maintenance free because it is sealed and requires no watering or cleaning. It has a fast-charging time, requiring only 2-3 hours to fully charge with no cooldown period. You can also employ opportunity charging, which means you can plug them in during a break period for a quick charge. In fact, you can usually plug Lithium-Ion batteries straight into the wall outlet. Perhaps, most important is its increased expectancy of up to 3000 charging cycles. It does not expose your team to harmful substances such as sulfuric acid.  

This convenience comes at a price, though, as lithium-ion batteries cost many times more than your typical Wet Cell battery. Also, lithium batteries are affected by the environmental temperatures in which the unit works.  Freezer applications and unheated warehouses, along with our new England weather, can have a negative effect.
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