250-800 KG Manual Drum Stacker Truck

250-800 KG Manual Drum Stacker Truck

Combined Eagle-grip structure and Anchor ear structure;
Lifting, transporting, stacking and weighing for both 55 gallon Steel drums and 200L rimmed plastic drums, capacity 450kg;
Spécial rolling technology of C-type mast profile;
Drums can be manually rotated 180 degree & keep at any angle;
Optional scales for variours drum equipments.

Combined Eagle-grip structure and Anchor ear structure;
Lifting, transporting, stacking and weighing for both 55 gallon Steel drums and 200L rimmed plastic drums, capacity 450kg;
Spécial rolling technology of C-type mast profile;
Drums can be manually rotated 180 degree & keep at any angle;
Optional scales for variours drum equipments.

Energy: Manual
Operator: Walk Behind
Capacity: 250-800 kg

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01988 557711